Daily oracle card ~ 18th May ’24

Mary Shelley ~ Loss

Loss ~ attachments ~ transitions ~ the cycle of life

Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”

Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley reminds us that life is is an ever moving cycle, we go through change, transition, periods of stagnancy, joy, happiness, pain and sorrow, and all the time we are moving through this condition called life.

There are two ways to go through life, either we can fight, struggle, and resist, which only makes things even more difficult, or we can accept that life is going to change, and go with it, learning to adapt and grow on the way.

In this way, we live fully, rather than fearfully.

Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it“

Mary Shelley

Shadow card


How are your home and family relationships ~ remember family can be related or chosen.

Are there any areas that need some attention? How can you strengthen your home and family foundations?

Is it time to ground yourself, hold still a while so that your soul can come home to you?

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